#Bolsonaro and Moro need you patriots! MP 870- The Provisional Measure’s coup d'état / Bolsonaro e Moro precisam de vocês patriotas! O golpe da MP 870

#Bolsonaro and Moro need you patriots!

 MP 870- The Provisional Measure’s 

coup d'état



Zap Bolsonaro
Posted on May 13, 2019


Call your Federal Deputy now. If you do not know the number, enter the site: MapaDaPrevidencia.com.br In this site are all the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails of the federal deputies.

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Bolsonaro e Moro precisam de vocês patriotas! O golpe da MP 870

76 visualizações

Publicado em 13 de mai de 2019


Ligue agora para seu Deputado Federal. Caso não saiba o número, entre no site: MapaDaPrevidencia.com.br Nesse site estão todos os nomes, endereços, telefones e e-mails dos deputados federais.




#Bolsonaro/Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo - 49th Person of the Year Awards Gala Dinner

Sponsoring the 2019 Person of the Year Event

The Chamber offers several categories of sponsorship for our flagship event: Inner Circle, Platinum, Gold, and Silver.
2019 Person of the year
President Jair Messias Bolsonaro Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo is the Brazilian recipient of the 2019 Person of the Year Awards.
Dear Sponsors and Guests,
The Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce hereby ratifies that the 2019 Person of the Year Gala will take place as scheduled, on May 14th at the Marriott Marquis in New York.
The Chamber will be celebrating its 50th year of promoting trade, investment and cultural ties between Brazil and the United States. During the Gala, the Chamber will award Instituto Brasil Solidário for their contributions to Social Responsibility and Neoway for their leadership in Digital Innovation.
Awards Committee
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

2019 Person of the year

President Jair Messias Bolsonaro is the Brazilian recipient of the 2019 Person of the Year Awards.

Jair Bolsonaro was elected President of Brazil in October 2018.  His political career began in 1988 as an elected representative of the City Council of Rio de Janeiro. In 1990, he was elected for the first of seven consecutive terms as Federal Deputy for Rio de Janeiro.

The choice of President Bolsonaro is a recognition of his strongly stated intention of fostering closer commercial and diplomatic ties between Brazil and the United States and his firm commitment to building a strong and durable partnership between the two nations.

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo is the American recipient of the 2019 Person of the Year Award. 

Secretary Pompeo was confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State in April of 2018.  He was formerly the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (January 2017 to April 2018), and served four terms as a Congressman from Kansas (2011 to 2017).   Prior to entering public service, Secretary Pompeo was a successful entrepreneur and business executive.

Secretary Pompeo was selected as the American Honoree for his active support of new initiatives between the governments of Brazil and the United States, designed to spur increasing trade and investment between both countries.

Sponsoring the 2019 Person of the Year Event

The Chamber offers several categories of sponsorship for our flagship event: Inner Circle, Platinum, Gold, and Silver.
Each category offers a different level of benefits that promote your company and provide access to other events during the week. Please call +1 212 751-4691 or e-mail awardscommitteepoy@brazilcham.com for complete details.

Person of the year history

May 15, 2018

2018 Person of the Year Awards

Person of the Year Awards


Discurso de Bolsonaro ao receber prêmio de 'Pessoa do Ano' em Dallas

4.395 visualizações



Publicado em 16 de mai de 2019


Ao receber prêmio de Pessoa do Ano, em Dallas, no Texas (EUA) nesta 5ª feira (16.mai.2019), o presidente Jair Bolsonaro adaptou o slogan “Brasil Acima de Tudo, Deus Acima de Todos” para citar os Estados Unidos e esqueceu de citar “Deus”. “Brasil e Estados Unidos acima de tudo, Brasil acima de todos”, disse, ao fim do discurso, ao mudar o slogan que começou a usar durante campanha presidencial eleitoral de 2018. A homenagem, organizada pela Câmara de Comércio Brasil-EUA, inicialmente estava prevista para ser entregue em Nova York. Em 3 de maio, Bolsonaro cancelou a viagem para cidade norte-americana após uma série de episódios demonstrarem a oposição ao evento. Pelo menos 3 empresas patrocinadoras retiraram seus apoios ao saber da participação de Bolsonaro. Saiba mais: https://www.poder360.com.br/governo/e... Inscreva-se no canal do Poder360 e fique por dentro de assuntos sobre política e poder. Acesse o jornal digital: https://www.poder360.com.br/ Assine nossa newsletter: https://www.poder360.com.br/newsletters Curta o Poder360 no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poder360 Siga o Poder360 no Twitter: https://twitter.com/Poder360 Siga Poder360 no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poder360/




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