#Brazilian Federal Police dismantle criminal organization that committed cyber crimes

John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” https://youtu.be/1tMsvHAjXoE SOURCE / LINK: http://www.pf.gov.br/imprensa/noticias/policia-federal-desarticula-organizacao-criminosa-que-praticava-crimes-ciberneticos News #Brazilian Federal Police dismantle criminal organization that committed cyber crimes Group operated in the state of São Paulo; seven search and seizure warrants and four temporary arrest warrants were fulfilled Posted: 7/23/2016 4:58 PM last modified: 7/23/2019 4:59 PM Brasília / DF - The Federal Police launched Operation Spoofing * this morning (07/23) with the aim of dismantling a criminal organization that committed cyber crimes.Eleven court orders were executed, being seven Search and Seizure Warrants and four Temporary Arrest Warrants, in the cities of São Paulo / SP, Araraquara / SP and Ribeirão Preto / SP. Investigations follow to ascertain all the circ...