#BRAZIL MORO The hero’ judge who oversaw Brazil’s vast Car Wash corruption probe (From Washington Post)/ALSO Miranda's cabinet may be central to international espionage
SOURCE/LINK: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/alleged-leaks-threaten-legacy-of-brazils-hero-judge-who-oversaw-vast-corruption-probe/2019/06/17/9a8d7346-8eae-11e9-b08e-cfd89bd36d4e_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6d2607a334bd
#BRAZIL MORO The hero’ judge who oversaw Brazil’s vast Car Wash corruption probe (From Washington Post)/ALSO Miranda's cabinet may be central to international espionage
He’s the ‘hero’ judge who oversaw Brazil’s vast Car Wash corruption probe. Now he’s facing his own scandal.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, right, and Justice Minister Sérgio Moro attend a military ceremony in Brasilia. (Marcos Correa/Brazil’s Presidential Press Office/AP)
RIO DE JANEIRO — If there was a unifying figure in Brazil these past five years, as the economy flailed, violent crime soared and polarization deepened, it was Sérgio Moro. As the most prominent judge overseeing the vast corruption probe that upturned the country’s political order, he was the steely and resolute protagonist of the saga, crusading for a better Brazil, where crimes would go punished no matter who committed them.
Then President Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing populist who made the fight against corruption a centerpiece of his campaign, appointed Moro his minister of justice — and said he’d nominate him for the Supreme Court, should an opening arise.
But now, after the publication of alleged private chats with prosecutors in the probe, Moro is in the uncomfortable position he’d put so many others through: At the center of an ethics scandal. The messages published by the Intercept Brasil over the past week appeared to show the judge advising federal prosecutors on how to try their cases against the country’s political elite, both in his courtroom and in the press.
The chasm between Moro’s public persona and his alleged private messages has stunned Brazil, dominating the news for days. Analysts say they could come to tarnish the broader corruption investigation, known as Operação Lava Jato, or Operation Car Wash, which has yielded 400 prosecutions in Brazil so far, and roiled the continent beyond.
“These revelations risk generating the perception that the entire operation is flawed,” said Oliver Stuenkel, an assistant professor of international relations at Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo. “That’s the risk, and it remains to be seen how they can defend themselves . . . To what extent will these new scandals push Lava Jato to the margins?”
The Justice Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.
Moro has denied any wrongdoing. He has said he was a victim of hackers and has questioned the authenticity of the messages. He has called for them to be submitted to an independent authority.
“As to the nature of my communications, I’m absolutely at ease,” he told the news outlet Estadão last week.
But supporters of imprisoned former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva have seized on the alleged leaks as evidence that the case against the leftist leader was rigged, and his sentencing should be overturned.
Lula was leading in presidential election polls in 2017 when Moro sentenced him to nine years in prison for corruption and money laundering. He was forced out of the race, paving the way for Bolsonaro to win the presidency.
To some, Bolsonaro’s appointment of Moro as his justice minister was evidence that he took corruption seriously. It struck others as unseemly.
Now the alleged leaks have left Moro exposed to accusations that he’d always been more interested in politics than scrubbing Brazil of corruption. The Brazilian Bar Association has called for his removal as justice minister, saying the “gravity of the facts cannot be disregarded.” The conservative Estadão, one of the country’s major news organizations, has also called on him to step down. His approval rating has dropped 10 points to 50 percent, according to Atlas Político, a political analysis service.
Moro has said he isn’t planning on resigning. He told Estadão he was a “victim of a criminal attack by hackers.” The Intercept, which claims its has more chats that it hasn’t yet published, has not disclosed the source of the alleged conversations.
On Friday, Moro said his actions were only evidence of “carelessness.”
“Carelessness” is not a word anyone would have used to describe Moro. He was the cerebral tactician, taciturn and intense, who’d studied Italy’s “Clean Hands” corruption investigation exhaustively to understand how it had successfully prosecuted the country’s political titans.
Once just another judge in the southern city of Curitiba, he gained broader attention in 2014 when he started hearing cases that would unspool the Lava Jato scandal. It was a classic kickback scheme, with state oil company Petrobras at its center, but of epic proportion.
As the charges piled up, and politicians and executives were hauled before his court, Moro became a celebrity. His presence at a supermarket was announced on a loudspeaker. Shirts were sold with his face on them. During demonstrations in support of Bolsonaro, a giant inflatable Superman appeared in Brasilia with Moro’s image superimposed on its face.
Lucas de Aragão, director of a political risk company in Brasilia, said Moro and others in the Lava Jato case developed a nearly “messianic” air.
“A couple of years ago, this would have been unbearable to think,” he said. “They were almost untouchable.”
But that has changed. When Moro accepted Bolsonaro’s appointment, he descended from a perch that had allowed him to float above the squabbles of politics to a position that was at the center of it.
Now as a prominent member of the Bolsonaro administration, he’s increasingly viewed as an “everyday politician,” said Creomar De Souza, a political scientist at the Catholic University of Brasilia.
“Every day, he is less a judge,” De Souza said.
In a country that’s as polarized as the United States, analysts said, it’s unclear whether the alleged leaks will sway public opinion further than they already have, unless there are worse leaks to come. The people who supported Bolsonaro will likely continue to support Moro. And among people who supported da Silva, this has only reinforced the belief that the investigations were politically driven.
“It’s a very polarized country,” said Stuenkel. “And to many, he’ll remain that hero.”
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Miranda's cabinet may be central to international espionage
29/01/2019 Marlon Derosa
Facade of the National Congress. Photo: Ana Volpe / senate agency)
What do Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept and David Miranda represent in the National Congress?
With the resignation of Jean Wyllys and the entrance of David Miranda, companion of Glenn Greennwald, it is necessary to know who is behind "The Intercept". After all, it is notorious the power that will enjoy the deputy David Miranda that belongs to Party of Socialism and Liberty (PSOL) in the local and international media, due to the fact that he is companion of the publisher of The Intercept. The vehicle has always been a platform for investigations such as Snowden's, which had confidential government data and was investigated by Scotland Yard and MI6.
The Intercept
The vehicle was created thanks to a $ 50 million donation from First Look Media, an organization created by eBay founder Pierre Omidyard. Apparently, the Intercept was created to broadcast the documentary of Edward Snowden in 2014. In 2016, The Intercept Brazil was created being the only country to have a special version of the vehicle.
First Look Media
The company created by Pierre Omidyard operates in the technology services sector, where he makes a profit, and in the field of journalism, where he does not seek to make a profit.
Pierre Morad Omidyard
The billionaire Pierre Omidyard was born in Paris and is the son of Iranian parents who migrated to France to study. He went to the United States because of his family's change, since his father was a urologist for Johns Hopkins University.
Pierre Omidyard was the founder eBAY and worked the front of the organization between 1998 and 2015. According to Forbes, in February of 2018 his fortune was of 10.9 billion dollars. In 2004, Pierre and his wife created the Omidyard Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to philanthropy.
Omidyard Network
Omidyard was a sponsor of the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN), along with the National Endowment for Democracy (IFCN), according to research published by the National Studies magazine (print version, "Fake news").
The creation of IFCN became known in 2015 when Facebook announced the integration with the platform in the USA. In Brazil, in March of 2018 National Studies provided a complete diagnosis of the structure that would be used to confront "fake news" in the elections through the IFCN. Shortly thereafter, between April and May 2018, Facebook in Brazil warned its users that it would use this feature in partnership with "de facto" checking agencies, and may exclude postings if they were classified as fake news , or penalize pages and profiles by reducing their reach. The main Facebook partner for fact checking at that time was Agência Lupa, which is part of Folha de São Paulo. According to backstage information presented in a podcast of Revista Piauí, Folha would seek in the 2018 elections to do everything to end Bolsonaro, "pretending to do journalism" (sic).
The Omidyard Foundation received in 2016 a donation of $ 1.3 million from the Open Society for the fact-checking project (IFCN).
Globalist and Soviet forces
While there is plenty of evidence that The Intercept is an instrument of the international left and of globalism, Romanian Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa indicates that Snowden would be working for Russian intelligence. This thesis is in keeping with the analysis of Pascal Bernardin, who has shown, based on numerous official documents and statements and quotes from books by such personalities as Mikhail Gorbachev, that the Soviet Union did nothing more with the fall of the Berlin Wall than changing strategy, aligning itself with some of the patterns of the globalist scheme that had already been well developed in the West to exert power by non-aversive methods based on manipulating the power institutions of society. The strategy of the Soviet Union, which culminated in the strengthening of Western globalism, now focuses on attacking the United States and its influence through actions such as that of Snowden, for which The Intercept serves as a platform. Globalists and Russians see the US as a common enemy, although each bloc has its own specific interests.
Former Soviet spy accuses Snowden of spying on Russian intelligence
Cliff Kincaid's article establishes a relationship between Snowden's goals as a Russian intelligence spy and the context of David Miranda's entry into the Brazilian National Congress.
When analyzing the list of main vehicle coverings of David Miranda's companion, The Intercept, there is something in common for the most part: assaults against the United States. In general, they involve central polemics from the US federal government, its military and intelligence organs
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Gabinete de Miranda poderá ser central de espionagem internacional
29/01/2019 Marlon Derosa
Fachada do Congresso Nacional. Foto: Ana Volpe/agência senado)
O que representam Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept e David Miranda no Congresso Nacional?
Com a renúncia de Jean Wyllys e a entrada de David Miranda, companheiro de Glenn Greennwald, é necessário conhecermos quem está por trás do “The Intercept“. Afinal, é notório o poder que gozará o deputado PSOLista David Miranda na mídia local e internacional, devido ao fato de ele ser companheiro do editor do The Intercept. O veículo sempre foi plataforma de investigações como a de Snowden, que apresentavam dados confidenciais de governos e alvo de investigações pela Scotland Yard e MI6.
The Intercept
O veículo foi criado graças a doação de 50 milhões de dólares da First Look Media, uma organização criada pelo fundador do eBay, Pierre Omidyard. Aparentemente, o the Intercept foi criado para transmitir o documentário de Edward Snowden, em 2014. Em 2016, o The Intercept Brasil foi criado sendo o único país a ter uma versão especial do veículo.
First Look Media
A empresa criada por Pierre Omidyard atua no ramo de serviços tecnologia, de onde obtém lucro, e no campo do jornalismo, de onde não busca obter lucros.
Pierre Morad Omidyard
O bilionário Pierre Omidyard nasceu em Paris e é filho de pais Iranianos que migraram para França para estudar. Foi para os EUA por conta da mudança do família, já que seu pai atuava como médico urologista para a Universidade Johns Hopkins.
Pierre Omidyard foi o fundador eBAY e trabalhou a frente da organização entre 1998 e 2015. De acordo com a Forbes, em fevereiro de 2018 sua fortuna era de 10,9 bilhões de dólares. Em 2004, Pierre e sua esposa criaram a Omidyard Network, uma organização sem fins lucrativos dedicada a filantropia.
Omidyard Network
Conforme investigação divulgada pela Revista Estudos Nacionais (versão impressa, ed. “Fake news”), a Omidyard foi uma das patrocinadoras da rede internacional de Fact Checking (IFCN – International Fact-Checking Network), juntamente com a National Endowment for Democracy.
A criação do IFCN tornou-se conhecida em 2015 quando o Facebook anunciou a integração com a plataforma, nos EUA. No Brasil, em março de 2018 o Estudos Nacionais trazia um completo diagnóstico da estrutura que seria utilizada para enfrentar “fake news” nas eleições por meio do IFCN. Pouco tempo depois, entre abril e maio de 2018, o Facebook no Brasil alertava seus usuários de que utilizaria esse recurso em parceria com agências de “checagem de fato” [tradicionalmente de esquerda], podendo vir a excluir postagens caso fossem classificadas como fake news, ou então, penalizar páginas e perfis reduzindo seu alcance. A principal parceira do Facebook para fact checking, naquele momento, era a Agência Lupa, que faz parte da Folha de São Paulo. Segundo informações de bastidores apresentada em um podcast da Revista Piauí, a Folha buscaria nas eleições de 2018 fazer de tudo para acabar com Bolsonaro, “fingindo fazer jornalismo” (sic).
A fundação Omidyard recebeu em 2016, doação de 1,3 milhão de dólares da Open Society, para o projeto de checagem de fatos (IFCN).
Forças globalistas e soviéticas
Enquanto existem diversas evidências de que o The Intercept é um instrumento da esquerda internacional e do globalismo, o general romeno Ion Mihai Pacepa indica que Snowden estaria trabalhando para a inteligência russa. Essa tese, vem ao encontro de análises de Pascal Bernardin que demonstrou, com base em inúmeros documentos e afirmações oficiais e citações de livros de personalidades como Mikhail Gorbachev, que a União Soviética nada mais fez, com a queda do muro de Berlim, do que mudar de estratégia, alinhando-se em algumas pautas do esquema globalista que já vinham sendo bem desenvolvidas no Ocidente, para exercer um poder por métodos não-aversivos baseados na manipulação das instituições de poder da sociedade. A estratégia da União Soviética, que culminou com o fortalecimento do globalismo ocidental, foca-se, hoje, no ataque aos Estados Unidos e sua influência, por meio de ações como a de Snowden para a qual o The Intercept serve de plataforma. Globalistas e russos veem nos EUA um inimigo em comum, embora cada bloco tenha seus interesses específicos.
Ex-espião do sistema soviético acusa Snowden de ser espião da inteligência russa
O artigo de Cliff Kincaid estabelece relação entre os objetivos de Snowden enquanto espião da inteligência russa e o contexto da entrada de David Miranda no Congresso Nacional no Brasil.
Quando se analisa a lista de principais coberturas do veículo do companheiro de David Miranda, o The Intercept, verifica-se algo em comum em sua grande maioria: investidas contra os Estados Unidos. Em geral, envolvem polêmicas centrais do governo federal americano, seus órgãos militares e de inteligência (NSA, Pentágono, unidades militares e FBI).
Muitos fatos e relações envolvendo a posse de David Miranda são no mínimo curiosas: a relação apontada por Pacepa/Clif Kincaid; o histórico de Glenn e Snowden; o uso do The Intercept como plataforma para Snowden; o seu financiamento globalista; a recente chegada do The Intercept ao Brasil e a saída estratégica de Jean Wyllys culmina na entrada de Miranda no Congresso Nacional. Se essas relações não são uma cascata de coincidências, elas apontam para a montagem de um escritório de inteligência dentro do Congresso Nacional, justamente quando aumenta a presença militar no governo brasileiro e ocorre uma aproximação do Brasil com os EUA e Israel.
Leia também: Soros e a guerra entre globalistas e eurasianistas
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Marlon Derosa
Co-fundador e Editor do Estudos Nacionais, cursa o programa de Master Internacional em Bioética pela Fundación Jérôme Lejeune, pesquisador independente na área de bioética, saúde pública, direitos humanos e geopolítica. Administrador com pós-graduação em administração e marketing (UFSC) e gestão de projetos (IESB). Organizador e coautor do livro “Precisamos falar sobre aborto: mitos e verdades” (2018).
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17 thoughts on “Gabinete de Miranda poderá ser central de espionagem internacional”
1. Pingback: The Intercept: um dos principais construtores de narrativas da esquerda ataca Lava-Jato - Estudos Nacionais
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6. gab disse:
10/06/2019 às 20:57
Legal as informações sobre a fundação do Intercept e sobre Pierre Omidyard. Todavia no geral esse artigo tá um lixo, parabéns pela bosta.
7. gab disse:
10/06/2019 às 20:58
Legal as informações sobre a fundação do Intercept e sobre Pierre Omidyard. Todavia no geral esse artigo tá um lixo, parabéns pela trabalho paranoico e pelo desserviço jornalistico.
8. Sonia disse:
11/06/2019 às 01:19
Quanto estão lhe pagando para falar?? Se é de graça então vc é um esquerdobobo mesmo….. ou talvez um $$$$$$$ ! Tudo
9. Sonia disse:
11/06/2019 às 01:29
Quanto estão lhe pagando para falar?? Se é de graça então vc é um esquerdobobo mesmo….. ou talvez um ” interessado ” $$$ ! Tudo
10. Josi Tanaka disse:
11/06/2019 às 06:53
Muito bom texto. Saber que alguém faz jornalismo tendo como fonte hackers é Muito lamentável. Qualquer coisa que o jornalista disser vai parecer verdade sem a necessidade de provar nada. Só plantou dúvidas, língua bífida, esse é o papel do diabo!
11. Fábio disse:
11/06/2019 às 11:00
Adoro teorias conspiratórias também. Kkkkkk
12. Clayton Pinheiro disse:
11/06/2019 às 11:16
Algo tem q ser feito pra parar os absurdos praticados pelos poderes arbitrários; legal seria por meios do direito, tendo em vista as tramas, atos escusos e manipulações inalcançáveis pelos meios naturais, então utiliza-se os meios que são disponíveis para poder elucidar tramas iguais membros da lava jato fazem uso.
13. Gabriel disse:
12/06/2019 às 00:09
Pena que as autoridades não levaram a sério. Parabéns pelo profissionalismo!
14. Pingback: Abalado, bolsonarismo ameaça Greenwald - Notícias da Bahia
15. Anonimo disse:
12/06/2019 às 21:49
Oloco, eles “adivinharam” o futuro, a reportagem é de janeiro.
16. Pingback: Greenwald teria comprado o mandato de Jean Wyllys por 700 mil dólares - Estudos Nacionais
17. Pingback: Greenwald teria comprado o mandato de Jean Wyllys por 700 mil dólares – Farol.News
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