#Moro wants Deltan Dallagnol at Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office (PGR). / Moro quer Deltan Dallagnol na PGR.
#FolhaPatriotica #GovernoBolsonaro #BolsonaroPresidente
Moro wants Deltan Dallagnol at Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office (PGR).
Patriotic Leaf
Posted on November 19, 2018
There were news in some political circles of the Brazilian Public Prosecutor's Office that President Bolsonaro does not intend to re-appoint Raquel Dígge for another two years in office at PGR, and thus the strongest name being announced is that of prosecutor Deltan Dallanhol, MP leader in the task force of Operation Car Wash. Evangelical, he acted very closely to Moro during the lawsuits that he convicted implicated in the oil company, including former President Lula #FolhaPatriotica #GovernoBolsonaro #BolsonaroPresidente
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SOURCE / LINK: https://www.tercalivre.com.br/deltan-dallagnol-eo-more-forte-candidato-a-pgr/https://www.tercalivre.com.br/deltan-dallagnol-eo- more-strong-candidate-to-pgr /
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Deltan Dallagnol is the strongest candidate for PGR
5 months ago
Ricardo Roveran
Ricardo Roveran
9 Reviews
From Sunday (18) the name of Deltan Dallagnol circulates among the nominees to assume the Attorney General's Office (PGR) by indication of Sergio Moro.
The position today is by the jurist Raquel Dodge, who took over the post in September 2017, nominated by Temer.
Dallagnol is 38 years old, has been a member of the Lava Jato task force. He is a Protestant Christian of the Baptist Church, holds a law degree from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and a law degree from Harvard. In his engagement in the fight against corruption he reaffirmed his desire to ensure that criminals who commit such crimes "stay longer in jail and return money diverted from health, safety and education." In March 2016, it worked hard to surpass 2 million signatures of the project "Ten measures against corruption", created by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF).
It was awarded at least six times:
• Global Investigations Review;
• Republic Award;
• Assistant: Good Management Practices;
• Anticorruption Award;
• Innovare Award;
• Prize of the International Association of Prosecutors.
He is the author of 4 books:
• Logics of evidence in the process - Direct evidence, clues and assumptions. Publisher's Bookstore, 2015, ISBN 9788573489750;
• External Control of Police Activity by the Public Prosecution Service, 2013, ISBN 9788577617470;
• Monetary Correction and Interest on Banking Mutual, 2002, ISBN 9788536202921;
• The Fight Against Corruption - The Lava Jet and the Future of a Country Marked by Impunity, 2017, ISBN 9788568377109.
In Curitiba, Dallagnol and his staff accused and made 347 people guilty of corruption. Of the 87 people sentenced to prison are former President Lula.
What is missing?
Deltan needs his name included in the triple list of the Federal Public Ministry, which will be sent to the president of the Republic.
It turns out that the triple list is created by the vote of MPF members.
If Deltan's name comes on the list, it will have Moro's endorsement.
If this maneuver happens, his choice for Bolsonaro is the strongest possibility.
Desde domingo (18) o nome de Deltan Dallagnol circula entre os indicados para assumir a Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR) por indicação de Sergio Moro.
O cargo hoje é da jurista Raquel Dodge, que assumiu o posto em setembro de 2017, nomeada por Temer.
Dallagnol tem 38 anos, integrou e coordenou a força-tarefa da Lava Jato, é cristão protestante da Igreja Batista, formado em direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) e mestre em direito por Harvard. Em seu engajamento na luta contra a corrupção reafirmou seu desejo de garantir que os criminosos que cometam esse tipo de crime: “permaneçam por mais tempo na cadeia e devolvam o dinheiro desviado da saúde, segurança e educação”. Atuou fortemente para em março de 2016 superar 2 milhões de assinaturas do projeto “Dez medidas contra corrupção“, criado pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF).
Foi premiado pelo menos seis vezes:
- Global Investigations Review;
- Prêmio República;
- Ajufe: Boas Práticas de Gestão;
- Prêmio Anticorrupção;
- Premio Innovare;
- Premio da International Association of Prosecutors.
- As lógicas das provas no processo – Prova direta, indícios e presunções. Livraria do advogado editora, 2015, ISBN 9788573489750;
- Controle Externo da Atividade Policial Pelo Ministério Público, 2013, ISBN 9788577617470;
- Correção Monetária e Juros no Mútuo Bancário, 2002, ISBN 9788536202921;
- A Luta Contra A Corrupção – A Lava Jato e o Futuro de Um País Marcado Pela Impunidade, 2017, ISBN 9788568377109.
O que falta?
Deltan precisa que seu nome seja incluído na lista tríplice do Ministério Público Federal, que será encaminhada para a escolha do presidente da República.Acontece que a lista tríplice é criada pela votação de membros do MPF.
Se o nome de Deltan entrar na lista, terá o aval de Moro.
Se esta manobra acontecer, a escolha dele por Bolsonaro é a possibilidade mais forte.
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9 Comentários
No mais eu quero mais é ver corrupto se fudendo, Brasil é nosso e que venha o Império!