#The World's 50 Greatest Leaders - Sergio Moro / Brazilian Senator Oriovisto Guimarães talked about Renovation of Brazilian Republica three Branches of Powers, Except the Judiciary Power


#The World's 50 Greatest Leaders - Sergio Moro / Brazilian Senator Oriovisto Guimarães talked about Renovation of Brazilian Republica three Branches of Powers, Except the Judiciary Power

#The World's 50 Greatest Leaders + 

Sergio Moro 

Federal Judge, Brazil, 42 
 Moro speaks during a business meeting promoted by Business Leaders Group (LIDE) in Sao Paulo Brazil.
Nelson Almeida — AFP/Getty Images
Moro, a 42-year-old telegenic federal judge, is the main protagonist in Brazil’s real-life edition of The Untouchables. Moro has led the prosecution of a brazen corruption scheme that siphoned $3 billion from Petrobras, the national oil company, to the pockets of politicians and officials. President Dilma Rousseff risks impeachment, and former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s reputation is in tatters. And more important: The passive coexistence with corruption long endemic in Latin America is becoming a habit of the past.
—Moisés Naím, distinguished fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Lead singer, Co-founder, U2, One, 55 
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Bono, photographed near his home outside Dublin in March 2016.
Photograph by Sam Jones
In 1984, Bono was one of almost 40 pop stars who recorded (and in some circles were mocked for) the anti-famine fundraising single “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” Thirty-two years later, he’s still walking the walk. The Irish rock icon now leads One, a data-driven, global organization that influences governments, rallies C-suites, and raises millions of dollars for people living in poverty. His secret: an ability to convince others that they are the true leaders of change, not him.

Read more about Bono in Ellen McGirt’s profile, “Bono: I Will Follow.”


To supervise, investigate and punish those who deserve it. It is a complex process, but I trust that our institutions must be converging to the aspirations of the Brazilian population.
Minister Gilmar Mendes. "The concern of all Brazilians is mine: to supervise, investigate and punish those who deserve it. It is a complex process, but I trust that our institutions must be converging to the aspirations of the Brazilian population. "Last week, Oriovisto participated in the impeachment petition against the Supreme Minister alongside the author of the document, lawyer Modesto Carvalhosa, in Brasília.

According to the request, the CPI seeks to establish "improper conduct, operational deviations and ethical violations by members of the Supreme Court and Supreme Courts of the Country."

If authorized, the Lava Toga CPI, as it is being called, will have the right to 10 full members, six alternates, a term of 120 days of action and R $ 30 thousand of resources.

Created and installed the CPI, signatories of the application say they do not rule out calling ministers to the Senate to provide clarification and even break the secrecy of members of the High Courts.

In addition to the author and the paranaenses, Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), Selma Arruda (PSL-MT), Eduardo Girão (PODE-CE), Leila Barros (PSB-DF), Fabiano Contarato Rodrigo Cunha (PSDB-AL), Marcos do Val (PPS-ES), Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM), Lasier Martins (PODE-RS), Styvenson Valentim (PSD-DF), Carlos Viana (PSD-MG), Luiz Carlos Heinze (PSD-DF), Cid Gomes (PDT-CE), Eliziane Gama (PP-RS), Esperidião Amin (PP-SC), Jorginho Mello (PR-SC), Telmário Mota (PROS-RR), Soraya Thronicke (PSL-MS), Elmano Férrer -MA) and Mara Gabrilli (PSDB-SP). (With Folhapress)
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The World's 50 Greatest Leaders 

Our annual list of the thinkers, speakers, and doers who are stepping up to meet today’s challenges. 
By Fortune Editors 
April 19, 2018 
Though it seems unlikely, Tim Cook and Indira Jaising have something in common besides membership in Fortune’s 2018 ranking of the World’s Greatest Leaders. Cook (No. 14) is the wealthy CEO of Apple, the most valuable publicly traded company on earth; Jaising (No. 20) is an Indian lawyer who cofounded an NGO called Lawyers Collective, which promotes human rights issues. Yet they share this trait: Both have multiplied their organizations’ effectiveness by harnessing the power of unbundling. Following their example is a new imperative for the best leaders.
Unbundling means disaggregating enterprises of all kinds, from the smallest startups to entire nations. In business it can mean making a company more valuable by splitting it up, as Hewlett-Packard did and other companies (Honeywell, Pentair, DowDuPont) are doing. Or it can mean increasing value by delegating functions once regarded as necessary parts of the whole; Apple’s outsourcing of complex, high-tech manufacturing, and the staggering capital requirements that go with it, is a dramatic example.
Technology makes unbundling possible and often inevitable. For centuries, greater size made companies, nations, and other enterprises more efficient and effective. Increasingly, it doesn’t. Outsourcing and coordinating manufacturing, distribution, research, and nonemployee workers becomes easy and cheap in the digital era. The most extreme example is the Chinese appliance maker Haier, which is not so much a company as a platform that invites entrepreneurs to become one of thousands of microenterprises within its ecosystem. Crazy? Definitely not. Using this radically unbundled model, Haier has become the world’s largest appliance brand.
I asked the architect of Haier’s model, chairman Zhang Ruimin (on our WGL list in 2014 and 2017), why more business leaders don’t follow his example. “They’re afraid of giving up power,” he replied. Nearly all their incentives encourage empire building. “Bigger firms pay more, way more,” says Kevin Hallock, director of Cornell University’s Institute for Compensation Studies. The same is true among nonprofits and labor unions, he finds. Why would any leader want to unbundle?
This year’s list puts an emphasis on leaders who are navigating this challenge deftly. (That has meant sidelining some perennially worthy figures, from Pope Francis to Jeff Bezos; to see past years’ lists, visit Fortune.com.) At companies, one solution is to evaluate leaders on wealth creation rather than size as conventionally measured. Leaders of mission-driven nonprofits may face fewer disincentives. Indira Jaising’s little NGO punches far above its weight because it can outsource staff and infrastructure; the Internet lets it communicate widely at low cost and enables volunteers to pitch in from around the world.

The fiercest resisters of unbundling are national leaders. They have little to gain and much to lose by leading a smaller country. Yet they may have no choice, eventually. Many services that once were the province of governments—telecom, utilities, even satellite launches—have become commoditized, available on the open market. Spain’s Catalonians, for example, think they don’t need Madrid, and they may well be right. 
The unbundling trend is especially powerful because it’s driven from the bottom up as well as from the top down. Many people are eager to be free of institutions. “The desire to be self-sustaining, to be the boss, is a psychological reality,” says Parag Khanna, a strategy consultant who sees devolution as a powerful force in politics and the economy. The entrepreneurialism lurking in many souls can express itself more easily than ever. 

Unbundling poses a quandary for leaders: Doing what’s best for the people they lead may result in leading fewer of them. But that fear reflects a too-narrow view of leadership, which arises not from authority but from inspiration. On paper, Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier (No. 5) leads 69,000 employees. But when he took what he called “a stand against intolerance and extremism” after the violence in Charlottesville, Va., last summer, resigning from President Trump’s manufacturing council to protest Trump’s equivocating comments on the violence, he became a leader to millions. 
The age of unbundling is disorienting. But leadership is what you make of it, as these 50 great leaders teach us. —Geoff Colvin
Head writers: Erika Fry, Jonathan Chew, and Matt Heimer
Writers: Kristen Bellstrom, Geoff Colvin, Rachel King, Kirsten Korosec, Beth Kowitt, Adam Lashinsky, Clifton Leaf, Anne VanderMey, Phil Wahba, Jen Wieczner, Valentina Zarya, and Claire Zillman
Guest Contributors: Brian Finlay, The Stimson Center; Phyllis Heydt, Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Health; Raj Panjabi, Last Mile Health; Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Yale School of Management



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INVESTIGAÇÃO - 20 de março de 2019

Os três senadores do Paraná assinaram CPI da Lava Toga
Objetivo é investigar integrantes do STF e tribunais superiores
 Guilherme Marconi 

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O senador Oriovisto Guimarães: “A preocupação de todos os brasileiros é a minha: fiscalizar, investigar e punir quem o mereça” | Marcos Oliveira /Agência Senado 

O senador Alessandro Vieira (PPS-SE) protocolou nesta terça-feira (19) requerimento para que o Senado instale uma CPI (Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito) para investigar integrantes do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) e tribunais superiores. Ao todo 29 senadores asssinaram o pedido, entre eles os três paranaenses: Alvaro Dias (PODE), Flavio Arns (Rede) e Oriovisto Guimarães (PODE).

Inicialmente, Vieira entregaria o pedido somente no fim da tarde e tinha expectativa de conseguir 35 assinaturas. No entanto, ele diz ter sentido aumentar a pressão sobre os senadores para que retirassem suas assinaturas. Por isso, ele apresentou o requerimento com o apoio formal de 29 senadores, apenas dois a mais que o mínimo necessário.

"Foi uma decisão estratégica. A gente tem notícias de cada vez mais pressão partindo das cortes superiores e a nossa providência foi fazer logo o protocolo", disse Vieira logo após protocolar o requerimento.

No sábado (16), o presidente do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), esteve com o presidente do STF, ministro Dias Toffoli, em um almoço promovido pelo presidente da Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), que criticou os ataques ao Supremo. O Senado tem, desde o início desta legislatura, adotado um discurso duro de combate ao que senadores chamam de "ativismo judicial".

Além de desengavetar um projeto que proíbe aborto para sinalizar contrariedade à pauta do STF de discutir o assunto, há projetos que revertem decisão do STF e que estabelecem mandato fixo para integrantes da Suprema Corte.


Segundo Arns, a decisão foi motivada pela pressão da opinião pública, principalmente diante do risco de retrocesso em relação à Operação Lava Jato. “Em que pese o impeditivo constitucional de uma CPI investigar o STF, essa será uma oportunidade importante para que possamos debater as competências e relações entre os poderes e a transparência de suas atividades”, disse.

Nas redes sociais, Oriovisto Guimarães tem feito duras críticas principalmente em relação às decisões do ministro Gilmar Mendes. “A preocupação de todos os brasileiros é a minha: fiscalizar, investigar e punir quem o mereça. É um processo complexo, mas confio que nossas instituições devam estar convergentes aos anseios da população brasileira.” Na semana passada, Oriovisto participou da entrega do pedido de impeachment contra o ministro do Supremo ao lado do autor do documento, o jurista Modesto Carvalhosa, em Brasília.

Segundo o requerimento, a CPI visa apurar "condutas improbas, desvios operacionais e violações éticas por parte de membros do STF e de Tribunais Superiores do País".

Se autorizada, a CPI da Lava Toga, como vem sendo chamada, terá direito a 10 membros titulares, seis suplentes, um prazo de 120 dias de atuação e R$ 30 mil de recursos.

Criada e instalada a CPI, signatários do requerimento dizem não descartar chamar ministros ao Senado para prestar esclarecimentos e até mesmo quebrar o sigilo de integrantes dos Tribunais Superiores.

Além do autor e dos paranaenses, assinaram o requerimento Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), Selma Arruda (PSL-MT), Eduardo Girão (PODE-CE), Leila Barros (PSB-DF), Fabiano Contarato (Rede-ES), Rodrigo Cunha (PSDB-AL), Marcos do Val (PPS-ES), Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), Plínio Valério (PSDB-AM), Lasier Martins (PODE-RS), Styvenson Valentim (PODE-RN), Reguffe (sem partido-DF), Cid Gomes (PDT-CE), Eliziane Gama (PPS-MA), Major Olímpio (PSL-SP), Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF), Carlos Viana (PSD-MG), Luiz Carlos Heinze (PP-RS), Esperidião Amin (PP-SC), Jorginho Mello (PR-SC), Telmário Mota (PROS-RR), Soraya Thronicke (PSL-MS), Elmano Férrer (PODE-PI), Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA) e Mara Gabrilli (PSDB-SP). (Com Folhapress)

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