#Update on COVID-19 outbreak with Professor Neil Ferguson/Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection/CLARIFICATION NOTE

SOURCE/LINK: https://youtu.be/0PbRV2Md8Ew


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Update on COVID-19 outbreak with Professor Neil Ferguson

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•11 de mar. de 2020


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Your questions answered - an update (11-03-2020): Professor Neil Ferguson on the current status of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, case numbers, intervention measures and challenges countries are currently facing. Read all reports including estimates of epidemic size, transmissibility, severity, phylogenetics, undetected cases, prevalence and symptom progression here: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-gida The Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA) brings together global health researchers in the School of Public Health at Imperial College London. Drawing on Imperial’s expertise in data analytics, epidemiology and economics, J-IDEA improves our understanding of diseases and health emergencies in the most vulnerable populations across the globe. The Institute links governments, research institutions and communities to develop practical and effective long-term solutions, shape health policy and deliver better quality of life for all. Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA) Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/JIDEA Twitter: @Imperial_JIDEA, https://twitter.com/Imperial_JIDEA MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (MRC GIDA) Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-gida Twitter: @MRC_Outbreak, https://twitter.com/MRC_Outbreak Interviewee: Professor Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London, Director of J-IDEA and MRC GIDA Interviewer and Producer: Dr Sabine van Elsland, Imperial College London, J-IDEA, MRC GIDA Producer: Dr Katharina Hauck, Imperial College London, Deputy Director of J-IDEA, MRC GIDA Associate Producer: Oliver Geffen Obregon, School of Public Health, Imperial College London Director and A Cam Operator: Tiago Melo, Digital Learning Hub B Cam Operator: Jack Lowe, Digital Learning Hub C Cam Operator: Erdvilas Abukevicius, Digital Learning Hub Editor: Anne Marie Rützou Bruntse, Digital Learning Hub Assistant editor: Tiziana Mangiaratti, Digital Learning Hub

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The Daily Wire
2020 Election
March 26th, 2020

Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection
By  Amanda PrestigiacomoDailyWire.com
y BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images) 
Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who created the highly-cited Imperial College London coronavirus model, which has been cited by organizations like The New York Times and has been instrumental in governmental policy decision-making, offered a massively downgraded projection of the potential deathtoll on Wednesday.
Ferguson’s model projected 2.2 million dead people in the United States and 500,000 in the U.K. from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and blunt its curve. The model predicted far fewer deaths if lockdown measures — measures such as those taken by the British and American governments — were undertaken.
After just one day of ordered lockdowns in the U.K., Ferguson is presenting drastically downgraded estimates, crediting lockdown measures, but also revealing that far more people likely have the virus than his team figured.
Ferguson explained, “I should admit, we’ve always been sensitive in the analysis in the modeling to a variety of levels or values to those quantities. What we’ve been seeing, though, in Europe in the last week or two is a rate of growth of the epidemic which was faster than we expected from early data in China. And so we are revising our quotes, our central best estimate of the reproduction… something more, a little bit above of the order of three or a little bit above rather than about 2.5.” He added, “the current values are still within the wide range of values which modeling groups [unintelligible] we should have been looking at previously.”
A higher rate of transmission than expected means that more people have the virus than previously expected; when the number of those with coronavirus is divided by the number of deaths, therefore, the mortality rate for the disease drops.
Based on both those revised estimates and the lockdown measures taken by the British government, the epidemiologist predicts, hospitals will be just fine taking on COVID-19 patients and estimates 20,000 or far fewer people will die from the virus itself or from its agitation of other ailments, as reported by New Scientist Wednesday.
Ferguson’s change of tune comes days after Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta criticized the professor’s model.
“I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model,” Gupta said, according to the Financial Times.
Professor Gupta led a team of researchers at Oxford in a modeling study which suggests that the virus has been invisibly spreading for at least a month earlier than suspected, concluding that as many as half of the people in the United Kingdom have already been infected by COVID-19.
If her model is accurate, fewer than one in a thousand who’ve been infected with COVID-19 become sick enough to need hospitalization, leaving the vast majority with mild cases or free of symptoms.
Ferguson did continue to argue that the Oxford model is too optimistic about death rates.
UPDATE: Amid widespread reporting on his new death rate estimates — including by White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, who cited his 20,000 estimate during a press conference Thursday — Ferguson issued a statement on social media Thursday to “clear up confusion” about his revised estimates:
I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19. This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is slightly more transmissible than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged. My evidence to Parliament referred to the deaths we assess might occur in the UK in the presence of the very intensive social distancing and other public health interventions now in place. Without those controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand).
1/4 – I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19.
— neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020

Correction: The original title of this article incorrectly suggested that Neil Ferguson stated his initial model was wrong. The article has been revised to make clear that he provided a downgraded projection given the new data and current mitigation steps. This article has also been updated to include Ferguson’s clarifying statement posted on Twitter on Thursday.
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SOURCE/VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/fst_-699s2c

Conservative Partnership Proposal with the Coronavirus and Covid-19 Pandemic and Support for Independent Conservative Initiatives that aim at solutions, in the very short, short, medium and long term suggest by “The Amethyst Communication-Contact borgesfogm@hotmail.com – Phonezap: +55(31)98333-8033”
[Proposta de Parceria Conservadora junto a Pandemia de Coronavírus e Covid-19 e Apoio a Iniciativas Conservadoras Independentes que visem soluções, a curtíssimo, curto, médio e a longo prazo sugerido por “The Amethyst Communication”]
To the Distinguished Speakers and Respective Followers of High-Quality Lectures and High Level of Clarification to Brazilian Citizens from other Countries who have access to materials (bilingual English / Portuguese) about some point of view, on topics related to CORONAVÍURS and COVID -19 and that were evaluated by Movements Conservative Groups as materials that do not go against Our Conservative Proposal, that counted, count and will count on UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT FROM OUR “THE AMETHYST COMMUNICATION NETWORK” through Our Network “The Amethyst Communication” with the various forms of social networks (facebook <https://www.facebook.com/amethyst.ngo>, twitter<https://twitter.com/AMETHYST_NGO>,instagram  <borgesfogm>


SOURCE / LINK: https://cointimes.com.br/neil-ferguson-explica-projecao-de-estudo-sobre-coronavirus/

COINTIMES PRO | The largest content platform on cryptocurrencies
08 Apr 2020
 Neil Ferguson explains projection of study on coronavirus
Yan Heiji, 1 week ago 0 2 min read
In the article by The Daily Wire (Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection <https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologist-behind-highly-cited-coronavirus-model-admits-he-was-wrong-drastically-revises-model >), translated by us (COINTIMES) in Cointimes, a study by Neil Ferguson's team stated that the projection of more than two million dead in the USA and 500,000 in the United Kingdom has been updated to reflect the current quarantine situation.
Among these new figures, predicted death cases have dropped to 20,000 in the UK, thanks to social isolation measures and medical interventions.
However, due to several different interpretations, Neil Ferguson, from Imperial College of London, decided to clarify the new numbers of the projection on his Twitter and in an interview with BBC Radio.
Ferguson was responsible for coordinating the team that conducted the study; moreover, it was who announced the reduction of the projection in the new post-quarantine scenario.
2/4 -This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is slightly more transmissible than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged.
- neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020
“I think it would be useful if I clarified the confusion that has arisen in the past few days. Some interpreted my evidence for a UK parliamentary committee as indicating that ‘we have substantially revised’ our assessments of the potential impact on COVID-19 mortality. ”
“This is not the case. In fact, our most recent estimates suggest that the virus is "a little more transmissible" than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged. ”
4/4 - Without those controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand).
- neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020
"My evidence to Parliament regarding the deaths we assessed may occur in the UK in the presence of very intense social detachment and other public health interventions currently in place."
"Without these controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (that is, up to approximately 500,000)."
The new Coronavirus scenario
In addition, he also commented on the tests for creating a vaccine, saying that "they are in the final stage of validation".
“In the UK, we are seeing initial signs of a slowdown in some indicators, not so much with regard to deaths, as their decline is lagging behind the time when measures are introduced. But, if we look at the number of new admissions, that seems to be decreasing a little. ”
Finally, he indicated that not only has the contagion curve not yet reached its peak, despite the slowdown; but also that London may have up to 5% of its population infected in the central region today.
Let me be clear. This virus has a lethality substantially in excess of “seasonal” flu. Yes, up to half of those infected might not show symptoms. But that is accounted for in our estimates and always was. There is no credible data supporting the idea that 90% are asymptomatic.´

- neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 27 
See Ferguson Paper below:

SOURCE/LINK: https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologist-behind-highly-cited-coronavirus-model-admits-he-was-wrong-drastically-revises-model

The Daily Wire
2020 Election
March 26th, 2020
Epidemiologist Behind Highly-Cited Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection
By  Amanda PrestigiacomoDailyWire.com
y BSIP/UIG Via Getty Images) 
Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who created the highly-cited Imperial College London coronavirus model, which has been cited by organizations like The New York Times and has been instrumental in governmental policy decision-making, offered a massively downgraded projection of the potential deathtoll on Wednesday.
Ferguson’s model projected 2.2 million dead people in the United States and 500,000 in the U.K. from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and blunt its curve. The model predicted far fewer deaths if lockdown measures — measures such as those taken by the British and American governments — were undertaken.
After just one day of ordered lockdowns in the U.K., Ferguson is presenting drastically downgraded estimates, crediting lockdown measures, but also revealing that far more people likely have the virus than his team figured.
Ferguson explained, “I should admit, we’ve always been sensitive in the analysis in the modeling to a variety of levels or values to those quantities. What we’ve been seeing, though, in Europe in the last week or two is a rate of growth of the epidemic which was faster than we expected from early data in China. And so we are revising our quotes, our central best estimate of the reproduction… something more, a little bit above of the order of three or a little bit above rather than about 2.5.” He added, “the current values are still within the wide range of values which modeling groups [unintelligible] we should have been looking at previously.”
A higher rate of transmission than expected means that more people have the virus than previously expected; when the number of those with coronavirus is divided by the number of deaths, therefore, the mortality rate for the disease drops.
Based on both those revised estimates and the lockdown measures taken by the British government, the epidemiologist predicts, hospitals will be just fine taking on COVID-19 patients and estimates 20,000 or far fewer people will die from the virus itself or from its agitation of other ailments, as reported by New Scientist Wednesday.
Ferguson’s change of tune comes days after Oxford epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta criticized the professor’s model.
“I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model,” Gupta said, according to the Financial Times.
Professor Gupta led a team of researchers at Oxford in a modeling study which suggests that the virus has been invisibly spreading for at least a month earlier than suspected, concluding that as many as half of the people in the United Kingdom have already been infected by COVID-19.
If her model is accurate, fewer than one in a thousand who’ve been infected with COVID-19 become sick enough to need hospitalization, leaving the vast majority with mild cases or free of symptoms.
Ferguson did continue to argue that the Oxford model is too optimistic about death rates.
UPDATE: Amid widespread reporting on his new death rate estimates — including by White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx, who cited his 20,000 estimate during a press conference Thursday — Ferguson issued a statement on social media Thursday to “clear up confusion” about his revised estimates:
I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19. This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is slightly more transmissible than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged. My evidence to Parliament referred to the deaths we assess might occur in the UK in the presence of the very intensive social distancing and other public health interventions now in place. Without those controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand).
1/4 – I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19.
— neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020

Correction: The original title of this article incorrectly suggested that Neil Ferguson stated his initial model was wrong. The article has been revised to make clear that he provided a downgraded projection given the new data and current mitigation steps. This article has also been updated to include Ferguson’s clarifying statement posted on Twitter on Thursday.
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Conservative Partnership Proposal with the Coronavirus and Covid-19 Pandemic and Support for Independent Conservative Initiatives that aim at solutions, in the very short, short, medium and long term

To the Distinguished Speakers and Respective Followers of High-Quality Lectures and High Level of Clarification to Brazilian Citizens from other Countries who have access to materials (bilingual English / Portuguese) about any point of view, on topics related to CORONAVÍURS and COVID -19 and that were evaluated by Movements Conservative Groups as materials that do not go against Our Conservative Proposal, that counted, count and will count on UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT FROM OUR “THE AMETHYST COMMUNICATION NETWORK” with the various forms of social networks (facebook <https://www.facebook.com/amethyst.ngo>, twitter <https://twitter.com/AMETHYST_NGO>, instagram <borgesfogm>, and that for reasons our range of action be much larger than the Majority of National Conservative Movements and Groups acting since 2011 in partnerships with Conservative Movements and Groups in Brazil before international media , and at the time when there was the health issue caused by PANDEMIC, BRAZILIAN EPIDEMIC OF THE CORONAVIRUS, SUPPORTED IN INTERPRETATIONS, INITIALLY POSTULATED AS CORRECT, BUT THEN THEN POSTULATED AS ERRONEOUS, ACCORDING TO THE CENTURY LIVE MADE BY THE DEPUTED HISTORIC CARLA : //youtu.be/fst_-699s2c>, DEPUTY DR OSMAR TERRA PRESENTS NEIL FERGUSON'S PRELIMINARY PROJECTIONS ERRORS “IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF LONDON”. FERGUSON WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE TEAM THAT CARRIED OUT THE STUDY AND MORE RECENTLY RECONSIDERED CORRECTING ANNOUNCING THE REDUCTION OF PROJECTION IN THE NEW POST-QUARANTINE SCENERY. BUT UNTIL THIS CORRECTION WAS MADE, TRUTH A TRUE PANIC IN THE WORLD, MAINLY IN THOSE EMERGING, DEVELOPING AND UNDER-DEVELOPED WITH SERIOUS ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES, BECAUSE OPPORTUNISTICALLY, THERE WAS A CHARGE OF CHARACTERISTICS GOVERNORS, MAYORS, IN CONFLICT WITH THE NATIONAL CONGRESS MAJORITY ORCHESTRATED BY THAT WHICH IS CALLED CENTRÃO
  (Left Party Conglomerate, Center), mainly in the people of its Presidents Rodrigo Maia (Mayor), majority linked to the Supreme Court, mainly in the person of its President Dias Toffoli. "The Amethyst Communication", has been making previous efforts more than 15 days prior to "#Jejum pelo Brasil" (on April 5, 2020) in order to verify all misrepresented, malicious intent, and joined efforts through several other news from conventional media itself, together with messages received by the Conservative Whatsapp Groups of which "The Amethyst Communication" is related, and dared to overcome all these barriers, designed by the Collusion and made it disseminate more grounded news brought by Illustrious and Bold Speakers with Deputies Dr Luiz Ovando, Dr. Osmar Terra, Pediatrician at USP Dr. Antony Wong, interviewed by Dr. Victor Sorrentino and others with great probability had repercussions on Social Networks, generating interest for Internet followers, followers not only in Brazil, but also abroad.
Since 2011 providing independent and non-party services to Brazil, and giving visibility to Conservative Activists with their respective guidelines, which would have little chance of being made available to these media through the conventional route.


Proposta de Parceria Conservadora junto a Pandemia de Coronavírus e Covid-19 e Apoio a Iniciativas Conservadoras Independentes que visem soluções, a curtíssimo, curto, médio e a longo prazo sugerido por “The Amethyst Communication”

Aos Ilustres Palestrantes e Respectivos Seguidores  de Palestras de Alto Nível de Qualidade e Elevado Nível de Esclarecimento aos Cidadãos Brasileiros de outros  Paises que tem acesso a materiais (bilíngue inglês/português) acerca de algum ponto de vista,  sobre temas relacionados a CORONAVÍURS e a COVID-19 e que foram avaliadas por Movimentos  Grupos Conservadores como materiais que não vão de encontro a Nossa Proposta Conservadora,  que  contaram, contam e contarão com APOIO IRRESTRITO DE NOSSA “REDE THE AMETHYST COMMUNICATION”a através de Nossa Rede “The Amethyst Communication”   com as diversas formas de redes sociais (facebook < https://www.facebook.com/amethyst.ngo>, twitter <https://twitter.com/AMETHYST_NGO >, instagram <borgesfogm> 

SOURCE/LINK: https://cointimes.com.br/neil-ferguson-explica-projecao-de-estudo-sobre-coronavirus/
    • COINTIMES PRO | A maior plataforma de conteúdo sobre criptomoedas 
08 abr 2020 
 Neil Ferguson explica projeção de estudo sobre coronavírus 
Yan Heiji, 1 semana ago 0 2 min read 
Em matéria do The Daily Wire, traduzida por nós no Cointimes, um estudo da equipe de Neil Ferguson afirmava projeção de mais de dois milhões de mortos nos EUA e 500 mil no Reino Unido foi atualizada para refletir a atual situação de quarentena.
Dentre esses novos números, os casos de morte previstos chegaram a descer para 20.000 no Reino Unido, graças às medidas de isolamento social e intervenções médicas.
Contudo, devido a diversas interpretações diferentes, Neil Ferguson, do Imperial College of London, resolveu esclarecer os novos números da projeção em seu Twitter e em entrevista à BBC Radio.
Ferguson foi responsável por coordenar a equipe que realizou o estudo; além disso, foi quem anunciou a redução da projeção no novo cenário pós-quarentena.
2/4 -This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is slightly more transmissible than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged.
— neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020
“Eu acho que seria útil se eu esclarecesse a confusão que surgiu nos últimos dias. Alguns interpretaram minhas evidências para um comitê parlamentar do Reino Unido como indicando que ‘revisamos substancialmente’ nossas avaliações do potencial impacto sobre a mortalidade do COVID-19.”
“Este não é o caso. De fato, nossas estimativas mais recentes sugerem que o vírus é “um pouco mais transmissível” do que pensávamos anteriormente. Nossas estimativas de letalidade permanecem inalteradas.“
4/4 – Without those controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand).
— neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 26, 2020
“Minhas evidências ao Parlamento referentes às mortes que avaliamos podem ocorrer no Reino Unido na presença de um distanciamento social muito intenso e outras intervenções de saúde pública atualmente em vigor.”
“Sem esses controles, permanece nossa avaliação de que o Reino Unido veria a escala de mortes relatadas em nosso estudo (ou seja, até aproximadamente 500 mil).”
O novo cenário do Coronavírus
Além disso, também comentou sobre os testes para a criação de uma vacina, dizendo que “estão em fase final de validação”.
“No Reino Unido, estamos vendo sinais iniciais de desaceleração em alguns indicadores, não tanto no que diz respeito às mortes, pois seu declínio está atrasado em relação à época em que as medidas são introduzidas. Mas, se observarmos o número de novas internações, isso parece estar diminuindo um pouco.”
Por fim, indicou que não só a curva de contágio ainda não atingiu seu pico, apesar da diminuição do ritmo; mas também que Londres possa estar com até 5% de sua população infectada na região central, atualmente.
Let me be clear. This virus has a lethality substantially in excess of “seasonal” flu. Yes, up to half of those infected might not show symptoms. But that is accounted for in our estimates and always was. There is no credible data supporting the idea that 90% are asymptomatic.
— neil_ferguson (@neil_ferguson) March 27, 2020
“Deixe-me ser claro. Este vírus tem uma letalidade substancialmente acima da gripe “sazonal”. Sim, até metade das pessoas infectadas podem não apresentar sintomas. Mas isso é levado em conta em nossas estimativas, e sempre foi. Não há dados confiáveis ​​que sustentem a ideia de que 90% são assintomáticos.”

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Conservative Partnership Proposal with the Coronavirus and Covid-19 Pandemic and Support for Independent Conservative Initiatives that aim at solutions, in the very short, short, medium and long term

To the Distinguished Speakers and Respective Followers of High-Quality Lectures and High Level of Clarification to Brazilian Citizens from other Countries who have access to materials (bilingual English / Portuguese) about any point of view, on topics related to CORONAVÍURS and COVID -19 and that were evaluated by Movements Conservative Groups as materials that do not go against Our Conservative Proposal, that counted, count and will count on UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT FROM OUR “THE AMETHYST COMMUNICATION NETWORK” through Our Network “The Amethyst Communication” with the various forms of social networks (facebook <https://www.facebook.com/amethyst.ngo >, twitter
 <https://twitter.com/AMETHYST_NGO> , instagram <borgesfogm>, and that for reasons our range of action be much larger than the Majority of National Conservative Movements and Groups acting since 2011 in partnerships with Conservative Movements and Groups in Brazil before international media , and at the time when there was the health issue caused by PANDEMIC, BRAZILIAN EPIDEMIC OF THE CORONAVIRUS, SUPPORTED IN INTERPRETATIONS, INITIALLY POSTULATED AS CORRECT, BUT THEN  SUCH AS ERRONEOUS, ACCORDING TO THE CENTURY LIVE MADE BY THE DEPUTED HISTORIC CARLA < https://youtu.be/fst_-699s2c>-699S2C>, DEPUTY DR OSMAR TERRA PRESENTS NEIL FERGUSON'S PRELIMINARY “IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF LONDON” PROJECTIONS ERRORS . FERGUSON WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THE TEAM THAT CARRIED OUT THE STUDY AND MORE RECENTLY RECONSIDERED CORRECTING ANNOUNCING THE REDUCTION OF PROJECTION IN THE NEW POST-QUARANTINE SCENERY. BUT UNTIL THIS CORRECTION WAS MADE, TRUTH A TRUE PANIC IN THE WORLD, MAINLY IN THOSE EMERGING, DEVELOPING AND UNDER-DEVELOPED WITH SERIOUS ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES, BECAUSE OPPORTUNISTICALLY, THERE WAS A CHARGE OF CHARACTERISTICS GOVERNORS, MAYORS, IN CONFLICT WITH THE NATIONAL CONGRESS MAJORITY ORCHESTRATED BY THAT WHICH IS CALLED #The Brazilian Center Parties’s Big Alliance (In Portuguese “CENTRÃO”) (DEM-Democrats, PP-Popular Party, Solidarity Party, PR- Party of Repulbic)  , mainly in the people of its Presidents Rodrigo Maia (Mayor), majority linked to the Supreme Court, mainly in the person of its President Dias Toffoli. "The Amethyst Communication", has been making previous efforts more than 15 days prior to #Fast in favor of Brazil"(#Jejum pelo Brasil)" (on April 5, 2020) in order to verify all misrepresented, malicious intent, and joined efforts through several other news from conventional media itself, together with messages received by the Conservative Whatsapp Groups of which "The Amethyst Communication" is related, and dared to overcome all these barriers, designed by the Collusion and made it disseminate more grounded news brought by Illustrious and Bold Speakers with Deputies Dr Luiz Ovando, Dr. Osmar Terra, Pediatrician at USP Dr. Antony Wong, interviewed by Dr. Victor Sorrentino and others with great probability had repercussions on Social Networks, generating interest for Internet followers, followers not only in Brazil, but also abroad.
Since 2011 providing independent and non-party services to Brazil, and giving visibility to Conservative Activists with their respective guidelines, which would have little chance of being made available to these media through the conventional route. 

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Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho. ’.

A notice of crime (notitia criminis) against the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, was petitioned in the Supreme Federal Court by a PT deputy. What is the real motivation to provoke the Supreme Court in the mentioned issue, given that the Brazilian State is facing such serious situations, and that the union of republican institutions is essential in this very difficult time for everyone. The world is facing the most serious public health and economic crisis since World War II. Governments across the planet, especially those facing the pandemic directly, are focusing on preserving life, according to WHO guidelines for Covid-19. But it is of utmost importance that there is also concern with the survival of companies and the maintenance of jobs.
It is necessary to establish a firm strategy so that, at the right time, it is possible to promote a safe and gradual resumption of organizational activities, which means resuming the activities of commerce and the movement of citizens in carrying out their daily tasks. How will this be done? Providing, and this helping the Federal Government, a more concrete viability of the so-called vertical social isolation of risk groups at Covid-19, combined with social isolation of people with a positive exam and at the same time easing horizontal social isolation.
South Korea and Germany are demonstrating to the world that being well executed and aligned with the institutions, this is an efficient strategy to promote the flattening of the propagation curve of the aggressive virus of the Coronavirus family, preserving lives and reducing the pressure on the health system. And this, at the same time, will facilitate the resumption of productive activities and with the active population returning to their work activities. But in order to be effective, vertical isolation needs strong coordination between the public and private sectors, between the Union, States and Municipalities. In this way, the path will be being “paved” to close the forced horizontal interdiction system for flexibility through the vertical interdiction.
The President is not currently putting the economy as a priority above the lives of the people being recommended, especially by governors of some states, who are interdicted. However, he cannot help worrying, as head of the Brazilian Nation, about the future consequences of a recession at alarming levels. There is a possibility that members of Congress (House and Senate) are looking to make public health and economics a political issue.
What the President of the Republic aims for, and few understand it, is to make the Interdiction more flexible, as measures were and are being adopted by South Korea, which faced, as reported by the press, the pandemic through a punctual and precise investigation strategy transmission chains on the virus and consequently did not do even a day of lockdown.
Largest coronavirus outbreak (covid-19), after China, the Netherlands, and at the level of Brazil in Santa Catarina through its Governor Carlos Moisés da Silva, who managed to face the coronavirus with a more flexible lockdown or without it, and for not to adopt extreme and mainly prolonged measures, which could collapse the South Korean, Dutch, and Santa Catarina economy.

The Brazilian President intends to safeguard not only lives, but also the country's economy, with a desire to align himself with his friend and partner, President Trump, whose country is similar to Brazil in terms of being a continental country, but that even therefore, because Brazil has greater vulnerabilities in its population in Brazil, making a transition in a more prudent and safer way from the point of view of Public Health, with the transition from a Horizontal Interdiction to a Vertical Interdiction adopting new Quarantine measures regarding the Coronavirus-Covid-19, according to the American Model until just Easter, as opposed to how Governors and Mayors intend to do by delaying the opening of the economy until the end of April 2020.

News reports that President Trump and President Bolsonaro discussed efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The two leaders noted the importance of a coordinated international response and an ongoing partnership, including a commitment to work closely together through the G20. They reiterated the importance of delaying the spread of the virus and protecting lives through information sharing, increased preparation and cooperation in therapies and vaccine development. They also affirmed their continued commitment to aggressively safeguard jobs and income, using all available tools to restore global economic growth.

       Finally, follow our mission, vision and values ​​below Our Statement of Strategic Principles:

Our mission

To favor as Knowledge and Values ​​Collaborators for the formation of more aware Brazilian citizens, critical in their choices and engaged in a new and growing alliance of social movements now civic / military (see document under elaboration on this) that take to the streets with a critical sense and that articulate by other means of communication (cell phone, internet, social networks) with the purpose of continuous improvement of the country-state-nation-country that is Brazil, respectful and guarantors of individual freedoms, promoters of independent or separate candidacies, in a perspective of guarantees of free initiative and free trade, with continuous improvement of the Human Being in the Republican Society (based on the US model) / Democratic and of their relations with themselves, seeking to optimize their relationship with Nature in a perspective of full citizenship with incentive legislative activities of semi-direct democracy and with a continuous search for au local (municipal / state) autonomy in a perspective of a Full Federalism and other forms of action that improves Brazil's self-determination with a view to A BREAK OF PARADIGMS WITH REGARD TO PATRIMONIALISM (Raymundo Faoro) INCRUSTED WHICH REMAINS EVERYTHING IN THIS COUNTRY FROM THE COLONY and which have recently been to other forms of outdated / decadent tendencies that do not stimulate individual / collective freedoms and private property as socialists and communists and allowing and returning to a real performance by republishing our institutions now built on the independence of the powers of the Republic and promoting levels beyond those already reached, as in the military regime of growth and development, taking up the issue of industrialization in the country so shaken with development models with interests different from those of the nationals, but which now will have to be resumed with this avant-garde movement and which will be supported and will continue in line with here they who want the installation of a new constituent with a view to changing the Charter of this country that is not in line with these aspirations mentioned above.

Our vision

To be among the main Social Groups and with recognition by national citizens of our commitment to disseminating national and international media with a competitive advantage of bilingual publications (English / Portuguese) at national and international level.

Our values

With actions always in favor of guarantees of freedom of expression and thought, of individual and collective freedoms, as well as incentive to the free market;
Human being - always. Responsible, ethical, effective and lasting relationships.
Proactive, agile attitude and committed to the good of Brazilian society, surpassing itself day after day.
Socio-environmental concern.

Our goal

Vrsar for English language subjects that would often be restricted to the national scope and countries where Portuguese is spoken. In this sense, we have brought to numerous international agencies such as The New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Associated Press, CNN, Reuters, Die Welt, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times reliable information about what is happening in our country .

Our History

For reasons of Corruption that occurred with my Father in the Justice of Ceará I decided to participate as an activist in the Fight Against Corruption and since 2011, I joined the NASRUAS Group, after meeting Carla Zambelli. During an event promoted by NASRUAS, I participated in the II Congress Against Corruption in which a video by Dr. Ives Gandra Martins was presented and which I came to know through the NASRUAS at the Supreme Federal Court, because as an invitation I came to know personally in Sentadas: Wednesday, 23 January 2013 10:49

Professor Emeritus at Mackenzie University, Army Command and Staff Schools - ECEME, War Superior - ESG and the Judiciary of the Federal Regional Court - 1st Region; Honorary Professor at Universities Austral (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) and Vasili Goldis (Romania); Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities of Craiova (Romania) and PUC-Paraná, and Professor (Lloyd Braga) from the University of Minho (Portugal); President of the Superior Law Council of FECOMERCIO - SP.


Regarding the term brado and its English version, in several versions for English the national anthem the word BRADO is translated as cry, as you can see in the links <SOURCE / LINK: <https://youtu.be/ SyyOahYXhUQ>
Brazil National Anthem English lyrics; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_National_Anthem>.

First stanza
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heroico obrado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,
The placid banks of the Ipirangaheard
The resounding cry of a heroic folk
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
Shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.

If the pledge of this equality
We managed to conquer with strong arm,
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Our chest defies death itself!

O beloved,
Idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
Of love and hope descends to earth
If in thy comely, smiling and limpid sky
The image of the (Southern) Crossblazes.

Giant by thine own nature,
Thou art beautiful, thou art strong, a fearless colossus,
And thy future mirrors that greatness.

Adored Land
Amongst a thousand others
Art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!

Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother,
Beloved homeland,

“Here we bring together Patriots willing to work for a Free, Fair and Prosperous Brazil for all”, and to have been inspired by the term of Our Own Hymn, in addition to the attitudes and attitudes that we have been taking in the face of complex and not very federalist national issues after indignation and engagement according to author Stéphane Hessel Indignate yourselves! <https://www.saraiva.com.br/indignai-vos-3430263.html>, translation of the original French version, Indignez-vous!

Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho. 
Infectologist/Traffic and Occupational Doctor
Network Coordinator “The Amethyst Communicaiton”


Proposta de Parceria Conservadora junto a Pandemia de Coronavírus e Covid-19 e Apoio a Iniciativas Conservadoras Independentes que visem soluções, a curtíssimo, curto, médio e a longo prazo

Aos Ilustres Palestrantes e Respectivos Seguidores  de Palestras de Alto Nível de Qualidade e Elevado Nível de Esclarecimento aos Cidadãos Brasileiros de outros  Paises que tem acesso a materiais (bilíngue inglês/português) acerca de algum ponto de vista,  sobre temas relacionados a CORONAVÍURS e a COVID-19 e que foram avaliadas por Movimentos  Grupos Conservadores como materiais que não vão de encontro a Nossa Proposta Conservadora,  que  contaram, contam e contarão com APOIO IRRESTRITO DE NOSSA “REDE THE AMETHYST COMMUNICATION”a através de Nossa Rede “The Amethyst Communication”   com as diversas formas de redes sociais (facebook < https://www.facebook.com/amethyst.ngo>, twitter <https://twitter.com/AMETHYST_NGO >, instagram <borgesfogm> , e que por razões nosso raio de ação ser bem maior que a Maioria dos Grupos  e Movimentos Conservadores Nacionais atuando desde 2011 em parcerias com Grupos e Movimentos Conservadores do Brasil perante a mídias  internacionais, e no momento em que houve a questão sanítária causada pela PANDEMIA, EPIDEMIA BRASILEIRA DO CORONAVÍRUS, APOIADAS EM INTERPRETAÇÕES, INICIALMENTE POSTULADAS COMO CORRETAS, MAS LOGO EM SEGUIDA POSTULADAS COMO ERRÔNEAS, SEGUNDO A  LIVE DO SÉCULO FEITA PELA DEPUTADA CARLA ZAMBELLI (VEJA < https://youtu.be/fst_-699s2c>, DEPUTADO DR OSMAR TERRA APRESENTA ERROS DE PROJEÇÕES PRELIMINARES DE NEIL FERGUSON “IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF LONDON”. FERGUSON FOI RESPONSÁVEL POR COORDENAR A EQUIPE QUE REALIZOU O ESTUDO E MAIS RECENTEMENTE RECONSIDEROU CORRIGINDO ANUNCIANDO A REDUÇÃO DA PROJEÇÃO NO NOVO CENÁRIO PÓS-QUARENTENA. MAS ATÉ QUE ESTA CORREÇÃO FOSSE FEITA, TROUXE  VERDADEIRA PÂNICODEMIA NO MUNDO, PRINCIPALMENTE NAQUELES EMERGENTES, EM DESENVOLVIMENTO E  SUBDESENVOLVIDOS COM SÉRIAS  CONSEQUÊNCIAS ECONÔMICAS, POIS OPORTUNISTICAMENTE HOUVE UMA ARTICULAÇÃO DA MÍDIA BRASILEIRA, PRINCIPALMENTE AQUELA MARROM, QUE SE COLOCOU A DISPOSIÇÃO DO LEVANTE DE OLIGARQUIAS  DE  GOVERNADORES, PREFEITOS , EM CONLUO COM CONGRESSO NACIONAL MAIORIA ORQUESTRADO POR AQUILO   DENOMINADO CENTRÃO
  (Conglomerado de Partidos de Esquerda, Centro),  principalmente nas pessoas de seus Presidentes Rodrigo Maia (Presidente da Câmara), maioria ligada ao , Supremo Tribunal Federal, principalmente na pessoa do seu Presidente Dias Toffoli. "The Amethyst Communication", vem fazendo esforços anteriores mais de 15 dias  anteriores ao "#Jejum pelo Brasil" (em 05 de abril de 2020) no sentido de verificar toda narrativa deturpada, mal intencionada, e congregou esforços através de várias outras notícias da propria mídia convencional, juntamente com mensagens recebidas pelos Grupos Conservadores de Whatsapp dos quais "The Amethyst Communication" se relaciona, e ousou vencer todas essas barreiras, arquitetadas pelo Conluio e fez com que divulgasse notícias mais fundamentadas trazidas por Ilustres e Ousados Palestrantes com Deputados Dr Luiz Ovando,  Dr. Osmar Terra, o Pediatra da USP Prof. Dr. Antony Wong, intrevistado por Dr. Victor Sorrentino e outros   com grande probabilidade tiveram repercussões nas Redes Sociais gerando interesse por internautas seguidores não somente no Brasil, mas também no exterior. 
Desde 2011 prestando de forma independente e suprapartidária serviços ao Brasil, e dando visibilidade aos Ativistas Conservadores com suas respectivas pautas, que teriam pouca probrabilidade de serem disponibilizadas para  essas mídias através da via convencional. 
OBS IMPORTANTE: DIREITO AUTORAL: [PARA VISUALIZAR: <https://alternative6.webnode.com/blog/>; E PARA FAZER LOGIN: http://cms.alternative6.webnode.com/blog/>]

Apresento-lhes Nossa Campanha para Redes Sociais: 
Abaixo segue de forma preliminar abaixo:
Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho.’.

Foi peticionada no Supremo Tribunal Federal, por um deputado do PT, uma notícia-crime em desfavor do Presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro. Qual a real motivação para provocar o STF na questão mencionada, estando o Estado Brasileiro diante de situações tão graves, e sendo indispensável união das instituições republicanas neste momento tão difícil para todos. O mundo está enfrentando a mais grave crise desde a segunda guerra mundial, de saúde pública e econômica. Os governos de todo o planeta, sobretudo os que estão tendo que enfrentar diretamente a pandemia, estão com suas atenções voltadas para a preservação da vida, segundo as diretrizes da OMS com relação à Covid-19. Mas é de extrema importância que haja preocupação também com a sobrevivência das empresas e a manutenção dos empregos.
Precisa-se estabelecer uma estratégia firme para que, no momento adequado, seja possível promover uma retomada segura e gradativa das atividades organizacionais, o que significa retomar as atividades do comércio e a locomoção dos cidadãos na realização de suas tarefas cotidianas. Como se fará isso? Proporcionar, e isso ajudando o Governo Federal, uma viabilização mais concreta do chamado isolamento social vertical de grupos de risco da Covid-19, combinado com isolamento social de pessoas com exame positivo e ao mesmo tempo flexibilizando o isolamento social horizontal.
A Coreia do Sul e a Alemanha estão demonstrando ao mundo que sendo bem executada e com alinhamento das instituições, essa é uma estratégia eficiente para que se promova o achatamento da curva de propagação do vírus agressivo da família Coronavírus, preservando vidas e reduzindo a pressão sobre o sistema de saúde. E isso ao mesmo tempo, facilitará a retomada das atividades produtivas e com a população ativa voltando às suas atividades laborativas. Mas para que tenha eficácia, o isolamento vertical necessita forte coordenação entre os setores público e privado, entre União, Estados e Municípios. Dessa forma, o caminho estará sendo “pavimentado” para o encerramento do sistema forçado de quarentena horizontal para uma flexibilização por meio da quarentena vertical.
O Presidente não está colocando, neste momento, a economia como uma prioridade acima das vidas das pessoas que estão sendo recomendas, sobretudo por governadores de alguns estados, que fiquem em quarentena. Não pode, contudo, deixar de se se preocupar, como chefe da Nação Brasileira, sobre consequências futuras de uma recessão em níveis alarmantes. Há a possibilidade de que membros do Congresso (Câmara e Senado) estão querendo transformar a questão da saúde pública e economia em questão política.
 O que o Presidente da República almeja, e poucos o compreendem, é flexibilizar a Quarentena, tal como foi e está sendo adotadas medidas pela Coréia do Sul, que enfrentou, como noticiado pela imprensa, a pandemia através de uma estratégia de investigação pontual e precisa das cadeias de transmissão sobre o vírus e por consequência não fez sequer um dia de lockdown.
Maior surto de coronavírus (covid-19), depois da China, a Holanda, e a nível de Brasil em Santa Catarina através de seu Governador Carlos Moisés da Silva que conseguiu enfrentar o coronavírus com  “lockdown” mais flexível ou sem ele, e por  não adotar medidas extremas e principalmente prolongadas, que poderiam colocar em colapso a economia sul coreana, holandesa, e catarinense.
 O Presidente Brasileiro tem por pretensão salvaguardar não somente vidas, mas também a economia do País, com desejo de alinhar-se com seu amigo e parceiro, Presidente Trump, cujo país tem semelhança com o Brasil pelo aspecto de ser país continental, mas que mesmo assim, por ter o Brasil maiores vulnerabilidades na sua população no Brasil, fazer uma transição de forma mais prudente e segura do ponto de vista de Saúde Pública, com a transição de uma Quarentena Horizontal, para Quarentena Vertical adotando novas medidas de Quarentena com relação ao Coronavírus-Covid-19, de acordo Modelo Americano até somente a Páscoa, as invés de como os Governadores e Prefeitos pretendem fazer retardando a abertura da economia para final de abril de 2020.
Notícias dão conta de que de que o presidente Trump e o presidente Bolsonaro discutiram os esforços para combater a pandemia da COVID-19. Os dois líderes notaram a importância de uma resposta internacional coordenada e de uma parceria contínua, incluindo o compromisso de trabalhar em estreita colaboração através do G20. Reiteraram a importância de se retardar a propagação do vírus e proteger vidas através do compartilhamento de informações, do aumento da preparação e da cooperação em terapias e no desenvolvimento de vacinas. Afirmaram também o seu compromisso contínuo de salvaguardar agressivamente os empregos e os rendimentos, utilizando todas as ferramentas disponíveis para restaurar o crescimento econômico global.

       Por fim, seguem nossa missão, visão e valores abaixo Nossa Declaração de Princípios Estratégicos:

Nossa Missão

Favorecer como Colaboradores de Conhecimentos e de Valores para formação de cidadãos brasileiros mais conscientes, críticos em suas escolhas e engajados em uma nova e crescente aliança de movimentos sociais agora cívico/militar (vide documento em elaboração sobre isto)  que vão às ruas com senso crítico e que se articulem por outros meios de comunicação (celular, internet, redes sociais) com finalidades de melhorias continuada do país-estado-nação-pátria que é o Brasil, respeitadores e garantidores das liberdades individuais, promotores das candidaturas independentes ou avulsas, numa perspectiva de garantias da livre iniciativa e livre comércio, com melhoria contínua do Ser Humano na Sociedade Republicana (com base no modelo dos EUA)/ Democrática e de suas relações consigo mesmos, buscando otimização das suas relação com Natureza numa perspectiva de cidadania plena com incentivo às atividades legislativas de democracia semidireta e com busca contínua da autonomia local (municipal/estadual) numa perspectiva de um Federalismo Pleno e outros formas de atuação que melhore autodeterminação do Brasil com vistas UM RUPTURA DE PARADIGMAS  COM RELAÇÃO AO  PATRIMONIALISMO (Raymundo Faoro) ENCRUSTADO QUE PERMEIA TUDO NESTE PAÍS DESDE A COLÕNIA e  que recentmente foram a outras formas de tendências ultrapassadas/decadentes que não estimulam as liberdades individuais /coletivas e a propriedade privada como socialistas e comunistas e permitindo e voltando   a um real fucionamento republicando de nossas intituições agora  galgados na independência dos poderes da Republica e promovendo patamares além dos já atingidos, como no regime militar de  um  crescimento e desenvolvimento , retomando a questão da industrialização do país tão abalado  com modelos de desenvolvimento com interesses distintos daqueles nacionais mas que agora terão que serem retomados com este movimento de vanguarda e que se apioiará e seguirá consonante com aqueles que desejam a instalaçao de um nova consituinte com vistas a mudar Carta Magna deste país que não esta consonante com estas aspirações supra mencioanadas.

Nossa Visão

Estar entre os principais Grupos Sociais e com reconhecimento pelos cidadãos nacionais do nosso compromisso em divulgações das mídias nacionais e internacionais com diferencial competitivo de publicações bilíngue (inglês/português) a nível nacional e internacional.

Nossos Valores

Com ações sempre em prol das garantias da liberdade de expressão e pensamento, das liberdades individuais e coletivas, bem como incentivo ao livre mercado;
Ser humano – sempre. Relacionamentos responsáveis, éticos, efetivos e duradouros.
Atitude proativa, ágil e comprometida com o bem da sociedade brasileira, superando-se dia após dia.
Preocupação socioambiental.

Nosso Objetivo

Vrsar para língua inglesa matérias que muitas vezes ficariam restritas ao âmbito nacional e países onde o português é falado. Neste sentido, temos levado a inúmeras agências internacionais como The New York Times, Revista Time, a Revista Newsweek, Revista Forbes, Associated Press, CNN, Reuters, Die Welt, Washington Post e Los Angeles Times informações fidedignas do que se passa no nosso país.

Nosso Histórico

Por motivos de Corrupção ocorridos com meu Pai na Justiça do Ceará resolvi participar como ativista na Luta Contra Corrupção e desde 2011, entrei no Grupo NASRUAS, após ter conhecido Carla Zambelli. Durante um evento promovido pelo NASRUAS participei do II Congresso Contra Corrupção no qual foi apresentado vídeo de Dr. Ives Gandra Martins e que através do NASRUAS vim a conhecer no Supremo Tribunal Federal, pois conforme convite vim conhecer pessoalmente em Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 23 de Janeiro de 2013 10:49

Professor Emérito das Universidades Mackenzie, UNIP, UNIFIEO, UNIFMU, do CIEE/O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, das Escolas de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército - ECEME, Superior de Guerra - ESG e da Magistratura do Tribunal Regional Federal – 1ª Região; Professor Honorário das Universidades Austral (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) e Vasili Goldis (Romênia); Doutor Honoris Causa das Universidades de Craiova (Romênia) e da PUC-Paraná, e Catedrático da Universidade do Minho (Portugal); Presidente do Conselho Superior de Direito da FECOMERCIO - SP; Fundador e Presidente Honorário do Centro de Extensão Universitária - CEU/Instituto Internacional de Ciências Sociais - IICS.


O livro de Gilberto Martins Borges Filho conta a história de uma expressiva ação pelo bem da República. O Movimento nas Ruas é um movimento da cidadania na busca dea moralização dos costumes políticos no Brasil. São jovens idealistas que se dedicam, como ocorre nas verdadeiras democracias sem donos do poder, a vigiar os governantes para que sirvam o povo e não se sirvam do povo.
Mostrei em meu livro “Uma breve teoria do poder” (Ed. Revista dos Tribunais) que as democracias, em que o eleitor apenas deposita seus votos e não tem instrumentos de controle, de rigor, transformam-se numa simulação de regime livre, mas são, em verdade, uma ditadura de fantasia, ou seja, uma tirania mascarada.
Os jovens que editam este livro têm ido às ruas sempre por campanhas moralizadoras, buscando sensibilizar a sociedade para que entenda que, se deseja um país com respeito aos direitos humanos e governado por políticos e burocratas éticos, é necessário sair às ruas. Só assim a verdadeira cidadania poderá ser exercida, na qual a S. Senhoria passará a ser o Presidente, que deverá servir os governados, e a S. Excelência será o cidadão, a quem ele servirá.
Por esta razão, alegra-me tecer estas poucas considerações neste breve prefácio para dar apoio a luta tão corajosa do grupo, mesmo que possa eu mesmo divergir pontualmente deste ou daquele posicionamento.
O certo é que se todos os cidadãos entendessem que uma democracia não permite a omissão de governados e saíssem às ruas, como fazem os jovens deste movimento, certamente teríamos uma democracia mais transparente e o princípio da moralidade pública seria a espinha dorsal do regime.
Parabéns, portanto, ao esforço destes jovens e ao idealista amigo Gilberto Martins Borges Filho.
Professor Emérito das Universidade Mackenzie, das Escolas de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército - ECEME, Superior de Guerra - ESG e da Magistratura do Tribunal Regional Federal – 1ª Região; Professor Honorário das Universidades Austral (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) e Vasili Goldis (Romênia); Doutor Honoris Causa das Universidades de Craiova (Romênia) e da PUC-Paraná, e Catedrático (Lloyd Braga) da Universidade do Minho (Portugal); Presidente do Conselho Superior de Direito da FECOMERCIO – SP.


Sobre o termo brado e sua versão para língua inglesa, em vários versões para língua inglesa o do hino nacional a palavra BRADO é vertida como cry, como pode verificar nos “links”<SOURCE/LINK: <https://youtu.be/SyyOahYXhUQ>
Brazil National Anthem English lyrics ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_National_Anthem>. 

First stanza
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heroico obrado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,
The placid banks of the Ipirangaheard
The resounding cry of a heroic folk
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
Shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.

If the pledge of this equality
We managed to conquer with strong arm,
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Our chest defies death itself!

O beloved,
Idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
Of love and hope descends to earth
If in thy comely, smiling and limpid sky
The image of the (Southern) Crossblazes.

Giant by thine own nature,
Thou art beautiful, thou art strong, a fearless colossus,
And thy future mirrors that greatness.

Adored Land
Amongst a thousand others
Art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!

Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother,
Beloved homeland,

 “Aqui reunimos Patriotas dispostos em trabalhar por um Brasil Livre, Justo e Próspero para todos”, e em ter me inspirado em termo de Nosso próprio Hino, sintoniza, além de posturas e atitudes que vimos tomando diante das questões nacionais complexas e pouco federalistas após indignação e engajamento conforme autor Stéphane Hessel Indignai-vos! < https://www.saraiva.com.br/indignai-vos-3430263.html>, tradução do versão original em língua francesa ,Indignez-vous !
< https://busca.saraiva.com.br/q/livro+indignez+vous+stephane+hessel?pac_id=135884&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx9PR1duS2QIVCASRCh2NigHaEAAYASAAEgIkqPD_BwE>. 

Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho.’.
Infectologista/Médico de Tráfego/do Trabalho
Coordenador da Rede “The Amethyst Communication”



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