
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2019


FACEBOOK GROUP LINK: TWITTER:  EN VIVO: Cierre de Campaña en Córdoba #SíSePuede #MacriPresidente via @YouTube #MAURÍCIO MACRI: NOS SALVASTE DE SER VENEZUELA GRACIAS!!! ==//== Veja: SOURCE/LINK: EN VIVO: Cierre de Campaña en Córdoba #SíSePuede #MacriPresidente 70.130 visualizações •Transmitido ao vivo em 24 de out. de 2019 1,8 MIL269COMPARTILHARSALVAR Mauricio Macri 36,9 mil inscritos INSCREVER-SE Categoria Notícias e política THE END

#Senator Eduardo Girão (CEARÁ STATE OF BRAZIL) warns Brazilian people about imminent/impending Federal Supreme Court (STF) decision, summons and give morality lessons to ministers / Senador alerta o povo brasileiro sobre decisão iminente no STF, convoca ...

SOURCE / LINK: John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” #Senator Eduardo Girão (CEARÁ STATE OF BRAZIL) warns Brazilian people about imminent/impending Federal Supreme Court (STF) decision, summons and give morality lessons to  ministers 32,895 views • Oct 25 from 2019 4.7 mil 54 Share To save “Folha Política” 1.49 mi subscribers Senator warns Brazilian people about imminent decision in STF, summons and teaches ministers - Prison in Second Instance In a statement at the National Congress, Senator Eduardo Girão called on the Brazilian population to press the STF against favoring impunity. "Yesterday we had the interruption of the trial that will define the directions of impunity in Brazil, if Brazil will really show the world that it wants to be a serious country or if it wants to go back five years, with disagreements, showing that corruption, that crime pays...

#Minister Rosa Weber's vote of Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) according to Jurist Carvalhosa 'repeals the rule of law to install the bandit republic', ... / Voto de Rosa Weber ‘revoga o Estado de Direito para instalar a república...

SOURCE / LINK: John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” #Minister Rosa Weber's vote of Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) according to Jurist Carvalhosa 'repeals the rule of law to install the bandit republic', ... 33,309 views • Oct 25 from 2019 3,5 mil 51 Share To save Policy Sheet 1.49 mi subscribers Rosa Weber's vote 'revokes the Democratic Rule of Law to set up the bandit republic among us,' says Modesto Carvalhosa Jurist Modesto Carvalhosa used social media to speak out about the Supreme Court's trial of the possibility of arrest after conviction by two courts of the judiciary. Carvalhosa points out that with the decision that comes after Minister Rosa Weber's vote, criminal convictions will serve to free criminals of all kinds. Carvalhosa sums it up: “The ruling of the Supreme Court will not only be an affront to the dignity of...

25_10_19 IA #Mainardi warns: “Brazilians' hatred for criminal protectors will explode” (See Videos)

SOURCE / LINK: https://www.jornaldá John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” #Mainardi warns: “Brazilians' hatred for criminal protectors will explode” (See Videos) 10/16/2019 at 4:54 pm The catastrophic consequences that will ensue if the Supreme Court dares to acquit Lula and bury Lava Jato are analyzed in audio produced by the unrivaled journalist Diogo Mainardi. He even uses as an example what happened in Peru, where President Martin Vizcarra is "exploding" in popularity because he had the courage to close Congress and crush that country's Supreme. In Peru, Congress and the Supreme were trying to bury inquiries into the Odebrecht bribe, which corrupted the entire Peruvian political class, just as it did in Brazil. See the video: of the newsroom Diogo Mainardi STF...

#(SEE VIDEO) Mainardi warns: “Brazilians' hatred for criminal protectors will explode” (See Videos) / Diogo Mainardi alerta para as consequências catastróficas de possível decisão do supremo!/Diogo Mainardi alerta para as consequências catastróficas de possível de...

SOURCE / LINK: John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” #Mainardi warns: “Brazilians' hatred for criminal protectors will explode” (See Video) (From Jornal da Cidade Online) #Diogo Mainardi warns of the catastrophic consequences of possible decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF)! 28,515 views • Oct 16 from 2019 252 3 Share To save Jornal da Cidade Online - Videos 2 thousand subscribers Category News and Politics == // == SOURCE / LINK: https://www.jornaldá John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Mainardi warns: “Brazilians' hatred for criminal protectors will explode” (See Videos) 10/16/2019 at 4:54 pm The catastrophic conseq...

#WHY WE HATE - (Trailer legendado Portugal - Série Discovery Channel) / Vejam Comentário por que CONSERVADORES/BOLSONARISTAS SERIAM NESTE SENTIDO TÃO ODIADOS?

John 8:32 New International Version (NIV) 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” OBS: oportuno para aqueles como eu não tem TV a cabo, verem hoje por volta das 19 horas de hoje Domingo 20/10/2019 Programa da TV Cultura sobre ódio. COMENTÁRIO Por Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho Coordenador do Grupo “The Amethyst Communication” ESTUDIOSO DA EMOCÃO MEDO COM BASE NO  CÉREBRO EMOCIONAL DE JOSEPH LEDOUX, SUSCITOU-ME A QUESTÃO POR QUE DUAS PESSOAS  (UMA QUE RESIDE EM MUNICÍPIO DO ABC PAULISTA E OUTRA EM SÃO PAULO CAPITAL POR RAZÕES ACADÊMICAS E MORA EM BELO HORIZONTE – MINAS GERAIS, QUE SÃO, SE ASSIM PODE-SE DIZER, CONSEVADORES, BOLSONARISTAS SOMOS TÃO ODIADOS TANTO EM SÃO PAULO COMO EM MINAS? Dezenas e dezenas de pessoas, se deslocam de suas casas  em seus veículos, pedestres (grande parte anônimos)  e mesmo vizinhos gastam seus preciosos tempos para se dedicarem a fazer atos de ódio alternando-se entre eles nas 24 horas d...



Senator points out marked cards (fraudulent business, transactions outside the law') in Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF), asks for miracle to save Brazil, impeachment / Senador aponta 'cartas marcadas' no STF, pede por milagre para salvar o ...

SOURCE / LINK: Senator points out marked cards (fraudulent business, transactions outside the law') in Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF), asks for miracle to save Brazil, impeachment 3,526 views • Oct 17, 2019 485 7 Share To save Policy Sheet 1.48 mi subscribed Senator points out 'marked letters' in STF, asks for miracle to save Brazil from arbitrariness, demands impeachment analysis and Toga Wash in a statement in the Federal Senate, Senator Eduardo Girão says he expects a miracle in STF and again demanded the implementation of the Toga CPI (Parliamentary Investigation Commission) , as well as the examination of impeachment requests. "The Supreme makes politics, Senator Kajuru. He is living on politics. We see the bench meetings here with the President of the Supreme, and in the corridors here of the Senate, Senator Reguffe, what we ob...

Lula, um mero vagabundo, gangrenou a democracia brasileira com a corrupç...


O Plano do Supremo


Seguí en vivo la marcha del #SíSePuede en Paraná


Conheça a Cidade de São Caetano do Sul


São Caetano do Sul - drone / Produção Blá Filmes


Conheça a Cidade de São Caetano do Sul




#Bolsonaro visits little boy in hospital at AACD (Assistance Association for Disabled Children - AACD ) | SBT Brazil (10/10/2019) / Bolsonaro visita garotinho internado em um hospital da AACD | SBT Brasil...

SOURCE / LINK: #Bolsonaro visits little boy in hospital at AACD (Assistance Association for Disabled Children - AACD ) | SBT Brazil (10/10/2019) 14,695 views • Oct 12, 2019 1.2 MIL16ShareSave SBT Journalism 827 thousand subscribers SIGN UP President Jair Bolsonaro left the city of Aparecida on Saturday (12), and went to Sao Paulo, to visit a little boy who is hospitalized in an (Assistance Association for Disabled Children - AACD) hospital. Cassiano Lyra, 10, who suffers from neuromuscular scoliosis and had surgery in January this year, is a fan of President Jair Bolsonaro.     •  Category News and Politics SHOW LESS == // == SOURCE / LINK:     •  Children's Day #Bolsonaro visits little boy admitted to (Assistance Association for Disabled Children - AACD AACD) hospitalCassiano Lyra, 10...